Wednesday, October 19, 2011


When Nancy and I stared our work together our vision was to help Muslims living under Communism. The result was that the closest we could get there was Iran. For the past few years I have been teaching in Moldova and fulfilling (finally) that vision. This month I was there teaching in the CTE college with Uzbeks, Karakalpaks, Kazakhs, Tajiks, Azeris, Georgians and other nationalities on average 6 hours per day. Exhausting but thrilling to see the level they are committed to.
The problems many will now face is that their churches are often run by people that have no training and no ability to be culturally sensitive. The result is obstruction, rejection and distrust of them coming home. One on fire young girl told me that then only qualifications her pastor had was a driving license!
It will take wisdom and patience to affect the next generation.


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