Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Current status for Nancy and Ron George

Dear Friends, As I was getting older, slower and the work was growing bigger, more complex and each field was expanding enormously Nancy and I with the help of the World In Need (WIN) trustees started a search for the next CEO for WIN. It did not mean we would leave the work, abandon our many friends or retire from active duty. It just meant a shift in role and responsibilities. It took us four years to both find the right person and also to define our new role. In many ways that new role is still in the making but is basically one of teaching the many fields that we have established training centres in, representing the work in UK and trying to express our knowledge and experience onto DVD, articles, MP3's and as many other formats as possible.

I found that I have about 1000 articles on my laptop and these in fact have given impetus to write another book on the origins of the Qur'an and Islam itself, it is indeed a story of a revolution betrayed. It is taking time to disentangle the many thoughts and influences that are there. I can see that one of my gifts is to take very complex ideas such as Islam, the Qur'an, the Haddiths and the environment of Jewish apocryphal writings, along with other influences to boil it all down to a meaningful body of work that will serve the church, the missions family and the overseas churches that they might be saved from the coming catastrophe.

Do you realise that Islam has doubled in population over the past 25 years and will further double in less than that. In UK there are from 1.5 million to 2 million demanding their rights, separate schools, areas of towns opting out of being under British law and increasing in militancy. By 2020 they will overtake Christians in number and they can then demand further rights. By 2070 they will be the majority of the people in the UK. This all has enormous implications for our children and grand children. They have used their economic clout to  force McDonald's to use Halal meat and schools and workplaces to allow time off for ritual prayers. All this mean an impoverishment of the nation culturally and economically. Many Muslims leaders express the concern that Islam has never invented anything and that Spain published more books last year that all the Muslim countries put together throughout all of time.

THERFORE my time will be taken in supporting others engaged in the issues at stake, writing and researching  historical and moral questions and having a much wider audience. I will hope that we can raise the funds to increase our travel expenses to centres where missionaries are trained in Moldova, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, India, Korea, East and West Africa and any other place that will listen to what we have to say.

Importantly we shall be editing and e mailing out news of changes on our new magazine which has important articles and books that people overseas cannot afford to buy or access. This magazine will make that possible.

Join us in this work and get on board our blog to keep up to date. Help us with finding places where we can teach and challenge Christians in churches, schools, colleges and mission conferences.


Ron and Nancy